
2013-04-16 14:10:29  来源:在职研究生教育信息网


1. 艺术设计中形式法则的运用是获得形式美的一种
A 目标
B 程序
C 模式
D 方法

2. 基础训练的“设计素描”主要强调表现对象的(   )关系。
A 明暗
B 结构
C 色调
D 细部

3. 1920年(  )先生在《美术的起源》中最早提到的“工艺美术”一词。
A 鲁迅
B 刘海粟
C 蔡元培
D 徐悲鸿

4. 动画片《大闹天宫》中孙悟空的造型设计者是(  )
A 华君武
B 张仃
C 张乐平
D 张光宇

5. 我国办公桌的标准高度一般应控制在(  )之间为宜。
A 50—55cm
B 55—60cm
C 70—80cm
D 80—90cm

6. 宋代工艺美术以(  )的风格显示其艺术特点。
A 华丽
B 繁缛
C 粗放
D 典雅

7. 欧洲文艺复兴戏剧运动始于(  )
A 13、14世纪
B 15、16世纪
C 16、17世纪
D 17、18世纪
8. “奇迹剧”是(  )的变种。
A 古希腊戏剧
B 中世纪宗教戏剧
C 文艺复兴戏剧
D 古典主义戏剧

9. (   )不是欧洲古典主义戏剧的代表人物。
A 高乃依
B 肖伯纳
C 拉辛
D 莫里哀

10. 欧洲19世纪初的浪漫主义戏剧的杰出代表是(  )
A 莱辛
B 雨果
C 大仲马
D 席勒

11. 戏剧引进到中国之后,20世纪20年代末,将其定名为“话剧”的是著名戏剧家(  )
A 欧阳予倩
B 田汉
C 郭沫若
D 洪深

12. (  )不是曹禺先生的作品。
A 《雷雨》
B 《原野》
C 《屈原》
D 《日出》

13. 《辛德勒的名单》的导演是(   )
A 查理.卓别林
B 史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格
C 乔治.卢卡斯
D 奥逊.威尔斯

14. 中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》出现在影片(   )中。
A 《风云儿女》
B 《神女》
C 《渔光曲》
D 《桃李劫》

15. 影片(  )是产生于30年代的优秀有声片。
A 《掷果缘》
B 《马路天使》
C 《小城之春》
D 《乌鸦与麻雀》

16. 香港电影史上的第一部电影是1913年的(   )。
A 《精武门》
B 《狮王争霸》
C 《庄子试妻》
D 《龙门客栈》

17. 在电影中,“旁白”是指(   )
A 剧情中人物之间的语言交流
B 回忆中的人物之间的语言交流
C 声源来自画外,但对故事情节、人物心理叙述抒情议论的人声
D 声源来自画外,但是画面中某个人物发出的表现心理活动的人声

18. 第一部以古典名著为题材拍摄的电视剧是(   )。
A 《关公》
B 《诸葛亮》
C 《东周列国转》
D 《武松》

19. 影视中的“空镜头”指的是(   )
A 无景物的人物镜头
B 无人物的景物镜头
C 字幕镜头
D 电子美术镜头

20. 画面影调的“高调”效果表现为(   )。
A 画面明亮色彩轻柔
B 画面光比强
C 画面反差大
D 画面曝光过度

21. 电视作为视听艺术,20世纪经历了三次科技革命:第一次是声音与画面的结合,始于20年代;第二次是色彩加入屏幕,始于50年代;第三次是数字化多媒体制作,始于(  )
A 60年代
B 70年代
C 80年代
D 90年代

22. 应试画面为了避免“跳轴:(空间运动方向的混乱),需要遵循”轴线“规律——拍摄机位在拍摄对象同一侧的(   )以内。
A 90D
B 180D
C 270D
D 360D

23. 《4分33秒》的作曲者是(  )
A 约翰.凯奇
B 谭盾
C 勋伯格
D 李斯特

24. 1945年延安鲁迅艺术学院的艺术家们集体创作了歌剧(   )
A 《夫妻识字》
B 《红色娘子军》
C 《江姐》
D 《白毛女》

25. 欧洲音乐民族乐派兴起于(   )世纪。
A 16
B 17
C 18
D 19

26. 民族管弦乐曲《春江花月夜》,是根据琵琶曲(   )改编的。
A 《海清拿天鹅》
B 《十面埋伏》
C 《夕阳箫鼓》
D 《大浪淘沙》

27. 贝多芬《第九“合唱“交响曲》第四乐章声乐部分中的歌词作者是(   )
A 普希金
B 席勒
C 海涅
D 歌德

28. 古琴曲《广陵散》,最早载录于明代刊印的(   )
A 《诗经》
B 《白石道人歌曲》
C 《琴曲集成》
D 《神奇秘谱》

29. 《闲情偶记》的作者是清代的(   )
A 李渔
B 梁伯龙
C 孙尚任
D 钱谦益

30. 梅兰芳的主要代表剧目是(   )
A 《玉堂春》
B 《红鬃烈马》
C 《穆桂英挂帅》
D 《白蛇传》

31. 《宋元戏曲考》的作者是
A 任半塘
B 王国维
C 吴梅
D 张庆

32. 1905年诞生的第一步中国电影《定军山》的主演是(   )
A 谭鑫培
B 谭小培
C 谭富英
D 程长庚

33. 戏曲旦行“踩跷“始于(   )。
A 侯俊山
B 十三旦
C 王瑶卿
D 魏长生

34.“翘袖折腰之舞“是形容(   )的舞蹈。
A 魏晋
B 汉代
C 唐代
D 宋代

35. (   )体现了藏族民间舞蹈的特点。
A 拍手
B 绕花
C 弦子
D 三点头

36. “长鼓”是(   )擅用的舞蹈道具与乐曲。
A 朝鲜族
B 蒙古族
C 傣族
D 维吾尔族

37. (   )是浪漫芭蕾的代表作品。
A 《吉赛尔》
B 《火鸟》
C 《浪子》
D 《阿波罗》

38. 前苏联著名芭蕾舞艺术家(   ),以和谐、典雅、优美的表演风格,成功地塑造了《天鹅湖》中奥杰塔的角色并享誉世界。
A 瓦冈诺娃
B 乌兰诺娃
C 乌甫洛娃
D 普列谢斯卡娅

39. 人们一般认为,尼德兰画家(   )是油画技法的奠基人。
A 安格尔
B 凡.爱克兄弟
C 贝尔尼尼
D 德拉克洛瓦

40. 《清明上河图》是(   )的杰作。
A 张择端
B 任伯年
C 范宽
D 郭熙

41. 吴道子是(   )的伟大画家。
A 北宋
B 南宋
C 唐代
D 清代

42. 顾恺之是(   )的画家。
A 隋朝
B 东晋
C 宋代
D 明代

43. 意大利文艺复兴雕刻家多纳泰罗的代表作是(   )。
A 《天堂之门》
B 《圣家族》
C 《大卫》
D 《哀悼基督》

44. (   )是17世纪西班牙画家。
A 委拉斯科斯
B 米勒
C 丢勒
D 马萨乔

45. 设计美学是一种研究(   )等诸多没敢因素的学问。
A 形式结构
B 功能效用
C 材料特质
D 技术特点
E 销售方式

46. 下列音乐作品属于江南丝竹表演形式的有(   )。
A 《步步高》
B 《行街》
C 《三六》
D 《下山虎》
E 《中花六板》

47. 传统的戏剧体裁分类主要包括(   )。
A 悲剧
B 喜剧
C 歌舞剧
D 正剧
E 情景剧

48. 就功能划分,“叙事蒙太奇”包括有(   )。
A 平行蒙太奇
B 交叉蒙太奇
C 对比蒙太奇
D 线性蒙太奇
E 隐喻蒙太奇

49. 影视的“转场”用于段落间的切换,通常(   )体现较大的段落性。
A 推拉摇移
B 淡出淡入
C 划像
D 定格
E 两极镜头

50. 中国芭蕾舞剧《白毛女》表现的是(   )
A 地主和家民之间的尖锐矛盾
B 抗击日寇的故事
C 晋察冀边区白毛仙姑民间传说的故事
D 杨白劳和喜儿父女两代人的悲惨遭遇
E 喜儿投奔八路军的故事。

51. 评剧作家成兆才的代表剧目包括(   )
A 《小二黑结婚》
B 《杨二姐告状》
C 《花为媒》
D 《嫁不出去的姑娘》
E 《秦香莲》

52. 20世纪上半叶,中国绘画中强调“中西融合”的代表人物有(   )。
A 徐悲鸿
B 林风眠
C 莫朴
D 李叔同
E 倪殆德

Directions: There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.

Question 53 to 57 are based on the following passage: (10分)

To the people of ancient Egypt, life on earth was short. Life after death, however, was eternal. Therefore they built their tombs of stone and they took their possessions with them into another world.
The more important the people, the greater the tomb. The Pharaohs were the rulers of the country and when they died they became gods. Many of their tombs remain, and some have become a wonder of the world.
These are the pyramids.
The purpose of these stone mountains was to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from thieves who might try to steal the gold, jewels and precious possessions placed there to accompany the dead ruler into eternal life.
Their shape, with four triangular sides spreading from a single point, represented the rays of the sun, their position on the west bank of the River Nile was where the sun set every day and where they believed it began its journey into the other world. All the burial grounds in ancient Egypt were on the west bank of the river.

53. Why did the people of ancient Egypt build their tombs of stone?
A Because they thought life on the earth was short, but life after death was eternal.
B Because they wanted to bring all their possessions into another world.
C Because they wanted to protect their possessions into another world.
D All of the above.

54. Where were these pyramids located?
A Along the both banks of the Nile.
B In another world.
C Nera the place where they lived.
D On the west bank of the River Nile.

55. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A Only the important people can have the tombs of stone.
B The Pharaohs became gods after their death.
C Thieves might steal the precious things placed in the tombs.
D Some pyramids have become a wonder of the world.

56. Whose Tombs were the largest and the most impressive of all?
A The tribe leader’s tombs.
B The Pharaohs’ tombs.
C The tombs of those who built them.
D The rulers’ wives.

57. In the last paragraph, the italicized “it” indicates____.
A the sun
B the River Nile
C their position
D a single point

Questions 58 to 62 are based on the following passage: (10分)
U.S. jeans maker Levi Strauss & Co. denied it was playing on consumer fears by launching a line of trousers fitted with “anti-radiation(防辐射)”pockets for mobile phones. The trousers, with a lining which the makes say shields (防护物) against radiation, are designed by Dockers, a brand name of Levi Strauss. “We are not implying in any way that mobile phones are dangerous. Our intention is not to cash in on consumer fears but provide the consumers with what they want”, Levi’s European communications manager Cedric Jungpeter said. The design was the fruit of extensive market research showing that the fashion conscious was also health conscious. Jungpeter said. “The debate is open. Although no study has proved mobile phones are harmful, no study has proved the contrary either.” He added. Worldwide students into the possible dangers of mobile phones produce often conflicting conclusions. A recent one carried out by Australian researchers over a three-year period showed that radio emissions from mobile phones did not trigger the growth of tumors in mice, and therefore probable did not do so in humans either. And another Australian study concluded cellular phones could foster tumor growth. Swedish research published recently concluded that long-term users of first generation mobile phones faced an up to 80 percent greater risk of developing brain tumors than non-users. But a Danish study last year of 400,000 mobile phone users showed no increased caner risk.

58. The passage focuses on____.
A the debate on mobile phone’s radiation
B the trousers concerned with mobile phone
C the researchers on mobile phones’ dangers
D the fruit of worldwide studies into mobile phones

59. Levi Strauss company brought out a line of trousers fitted with “anti-radiation” pockets with a view to ____.
A Attracting possible consumers with new fashion.
B Improving their efficiency by taking advantage of consumer fears.
C Satisfying the consumers’ needs for good health
D Promoting sales with peculiar fashion and adervertisement.

60. Which of the following statement is Not true?
A Levi Strauss company bases its products on the extensive market research
B Levi Strauss’s newly-designed trousers made the mobile phones’ possible dangers known to the public
C Cedric Jungpeter’s statements aim to maintain Levi Strauss’ image.
D Dockers is one of the famous brands of Levi Strauss

61. The author implies that____ by declaring “The debate is open.”
A everyone may be involved in the mobile phone debate
B all studies into the possible dangers of mobile phones have not yet reached valuable conclusions
C it’s still a controversy whether the mobile phones are harmful
D consumption of mobile phones will be affected by the endless debate

62. We may infer from the passage that____.
A anti-radiation trousers will fuel mobile phone debate
B long-term users of mobile phones face a greater cancer risk than non-users
C radiation from mobile phones could foster tumor growth in mice
D anti-radiation trousers are a fearful sign that mobile phones are dangerous

Questions 63 to 67 are based on the following passage: (10分)
Television, the modern wonder of electronics, brings the world into your own home in sight and sound. And the word” television” means seeing far.
Television works in much the same way as radio. In radio, sound is changed into electronic waves which are sent through the air. Experiments leading to modern television took place more than a hundred years ago. By the 1920s inventors and researchers had turned, the early theories into working models. Yet it took another thirty years for TV to become industry.
The influence of TV on the life of people is incalculable: it can influence their thoughts and their way of life. It can also add to their store of knowledge. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects. Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations. At first television programs were broadcast in black-and-white. With the development of science and technology, the problem of how to telecast them in full color was solved and by the middle 1960s the national networks were broadcasting most of their programs in color.
The programs that people watch are not only local and national ones. Since the launching of the first communications satellite, more and more programs are telecast “live” from all over the world. People in San Francisco were able to watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. And live telecasts now come from outer space. In 1969, the first astronauts to land on the moon televised their historic “moon walk” to viewers on the earth. Since then, astronauts have regularly sent telecast to the earth.

63. The launching of communications satellites made it possible for people in San Francisco to____.
A get close-up views of operations
B store knowledge
C watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo
D watch national programs

64. The development of science and technology made it possible for television programs to____.
A be telecast in full color
B be telecast in San Francisco
C be telecast in Tokyo
D be telecast in black-and-white

65. The word “incalculable” means____.
A easy to tell
B very great
C difficult to tell
D very small

66. Television is said to be the modern wonder of electronics, because____.
A it influences people’s way of life
B it makes people see far
C it brings the world into people’s own home in sight and sound
D It works as radio

67. The television became an industry in____.
A 1950
B the 1960s
C the 1920s
D the 1950s





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