2008年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 A

2013-03-27 14:46:54  来源:在职研究生教育信息网


Paper One试卷一
Part I Dialogue Communication(10 minutes,10 points)
Section A Dialogue Completion
Directions:In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square
brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
1. A: Bob, would you mind turning down the TV a little? I'm talking on the phone, and I'm having a hard time hearing.
A.Please forgive me.
B.Oh,sure! I’m sorry about that.
C.You should have told me earlier.
D.I’m sorry to hear about it.
2.A:Hi,I'm your neighbor in 405,next door I'm Sunny Chan.
A.I moved here about a week ago.
B.Hope we could become good neighbors.
C.Hi! Everyone here seems very friendly.
D.Jill Kingston.Nice to meet you.
3.A:Could you run me over to the office? I'm late. My clock must be slow.
A.Yes,never mind.I would rather give you a lift.
B.All right.But you should buy a new clock.
C.It’s my pleasure.May I help you fix your clock,too?
D.Yeah,I'll be glad to drop you off on my way to work.
4.A:I’m sorry.He’s not in his office.
A.Are you Sure he will be back soon?
B.Would you like to leave a message?
C.Can you take a message for me?
D.Shall I call him sometime later?
5.A:Do you mind if I take off my jacket?
A.Of course not,make yourself at home.
B.Oh,it’s very kind of you to do so.
C.I’ll be happy if I can be of any help.
D.Yes,it’s pretty warm in here.

Section B Dialogue Comprehension
Directions:In this section,you will read 5 Short conversations between a man and a woman.At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
6.Man:Bob and Sue seem never discipline their daughter. She’s real nuts.
Woman:They are kept in the dark about their daughter’s behavior at school.
Question:What can we learn about Bob and Sue’s daughter?
A.She likes to eat nuts.
B.She is self-disciplined.
C.She behaves badly at school.
D.She enjoys leaving her parents in the dark.
7.Woman:Now,Richard,would you care to explain how the answers to the test questions appeared on your desk?
Man:I call’s,Professor Harley.Someone must have left them on my desk.
Question:What is the man’s problem?
A.He is suspected of cheating
B.He left the answers on his desk.
C.He doesn’t know how to explain.
D.He didn’t know the answers to the questions.
8. Woman:Don’t forget to drop me a line when you settle down.
Man:I won’t.I’ll keep you posted.
Question:What does the man mean?
A.He’ll  write to the woman.
B.He’ll tell the woman his new address.
C.He’ll visit the woman once in a while.
D.He’ll chat with the woman on the phone.
9.Man:Betty, how was your trip to the museum with Tom this afternoon?
Woman:Don’t ask me.
Question:What does the woman mean?
A.Something about the museum interested her.
B.Something was wrong with the trip.
C.She doesn’t know anything about the museum.
D.She doesn’t want to answer the man’s question.
10.Man:Hey, Mary.I Was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Contest.
Woman:Oh,really? Come on,you're pulling my leg.
Question:What does the woman mean?
A.She has no chance to win.
B.The man is encouraging her.
C.She’ll attend the contest.
D.The man is trying to fool her.
Part Vocabulary(10 minutes,10 points)
Section A
Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose he one from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

11.The survey does not allow for the fact that some students are attending  part-time.
A.explain  B.deny  C.consider   D.recognize
12.British scientists have found how to diagnose the disease,which causes loss of  memory and
personality change.
A.control    B.determine  C.prevent D.treat
13.Witnesses were allegedly tortured or subjected to pressure to fabricate evidence against him.
A.fix up  B.take up  C.pack up D.make up
14.So instead we spent the whole afternoon hanging around in the gorgeous autumn sun.
A.golden    B.beautiful  C.warm      D.shining
答案:B (the whole afternoon)
15.I couldn’t work out  why anyone would invent something so boring.
A.draw up    B.bring about C.put forward   D.figure out
16.You can easily find out the benefits of flexible working for both you and your employer.
A.loose B.effective C.elastic D.resourceful
17.The State Department has issued a regulation abolishing the special privileges for government
A.grants    B.rights    C.advantages D.interests
18.Will Americans go for AT&T’s plan of pushing the wireless services in theU.S.?
A. support    B. adopt C. hinder D. attack
19.What lies in pieces around them represents,in effect,a unique private exhibition open to a
lucky few.
A.in short  B.in particular C.in fact  D.in turn
20. The weekend event will be centred around Wye College in Ashford, Kent, but the outing to the docks should be the highlight

A.climax 高潮,顶点 B.pleasure 快乐 C.expectation 期望 D.surprise

Section B
Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence thereare 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
2 1.Then in June 1967 the country _______________ diplomatic relations with Israel after    the outbreak of the Six Day War.
A.broke away (from) B.broke off    C.cut out D.cut down
22.Everyone has faced the embarrassing_____________of deciding how much extra to give a
waiter or taxi—driver.
A.incident  B.event  C. dilemma   D.menace威胁
23.The school arranged road trip appears to____________the spring break.
A.conform to符合,遵照 B.coincide with C.consist in 存在于 D.collide with冲突
答案:B (appear to)
24.The new airport terminal is sure to______________the development of tourism.
A.imitate模仿 B.fascinate 着迷 C.impose 征税,强加 D.facilitate使容易
25.The Huntington Library has an____________collection of rare books and manuscripts of
British and American history and literature.
A.intensive   B.intentional   C.extensive  D.extensional
26.Inflation will reach its highest in a decade across most of Asia this year, threatening
to________________recent productivity gains.
A.reverse B.reserve C.retrieve   D.revise
27.Those governments will provide big food and fuel_____________according to the Asian
Development Bank.
A.substitutes B.substances C.subsequences D.subsidies
28.In mild winters apple buds began to break soon after Christmas,leaving them_________to
frost damage.
A.reluctant B.tough C.hostile D. vulnerable
29.What is happening is a survival-of-the-fittest straggle affecting_________smaller factories in
relatively low-tech,labor-intensive industries.
A.primarily B.rationally C.primitively D.respectively
30.A traditional critic has the advantage of being able to______________standards and values
inherited from the past.
A.turn up B.turn over
C.turn to D.turn in

PanⅢ Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,25 points)
Directions:There are 5 passages in this part.Each passage is followed by 5 questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best
one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your
machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
The job was done,and it was time for a last cigarette.Eddie began tapping the pockets of his
overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he had bought that morning.It was not there.
It Was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the lump. Right
in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet,there Was a lump.A lump the size of a packet of
“I’ve done it again!”said Eddie allgrily. “I’ve left the cigarettes under the carpet!”
He had done this once before,and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two
hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going tO spend another tWO hours in this house. He
decided to get rid of the lump another way.It would mean wasting a good packet of cigarettes,
nearly full,but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet and fitting it again.He turned
to his toolbox for a large hammer.
Eddie didn’t want to damage the carpet itself,so he took a block of wood and  placed it on top of
the lump Then he began to beat the block of wood as hard as he could.He kept beating,hoping
Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn’ t hear the noise and come to see  what he was doing. It would be difficult
to explain why he was hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet….The lump was
beginning to flatten out.
After three or four minutes,thejob Was finally finished.Eddie picked up his tools,and began to
walk out to his car.Mrs.Vanbrugh accompanied him.She seemed a little worried about
“Young man,while you were working today,you didn’t by any chance see any sign of
Armand,did you? Armand is my bird.I let him out of his cage,you see,this morning,and he’
S disappeared. He likes to walk around the house, and he usually just comes back to his cage after
an hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn’ t come back. He’ S  never done such a thing
before,it’S most peculiar…”
“No,madam,I haven’t seen him anywhere, ”said Eddie,as he reached to start the Car.
And he saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the panel,where he had left it at lunchtime…
And he remembered the lump in the carpet….
31.What did Eddie Want to do when he had finished fitting the carpet?
A. To have a cigarette.
B.To hammer the carpet flat.
C. To put back his tools.
D. To start work in the dining room.
32.Why didn’t Eddie take out the thing under the cmget?
A.It was impossible for him to take up the carpet once it was fitted.
B.He didn’t need the cigarettes because he had some more in the Car.
C. It would take too long to take up the carpet and refit it.
D.He intended to come back and remove the lump the next day.
33.What did Eddie do with the hammer?
A. He drove nails into the lump.
B.He fixed his toolbox.
C.He retired the carpet.
D. He flattened the lump.
34.Mrs.Vanbrugh worried that______________.
A. her pet was nowhere to be found
B.fitting the carpet would be expensive
C.Eddie would smoke in the house
D.Eddie hadn’t done a proper job
35.What was really underthe carpet?
A.The packet of cigarettes.
B.Eddie’S hammer.
C. A lump of wood.
D.The missing pet.
Passage Two
If two scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory are correct,people will still be driving
gasoline-powered cars 50 years from now,giving out heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere-and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute tO global warming. The scientists,F
Jeffrey Martin and William L.Kubic Jr.,are proposing a concept,which they have patriotically
named Green Freedom, for removing carbon dioxide from the air and turning it back into
The idea is simple.Air would be blown over a liquid solution which would absorb the carbon
dioxide.The carbon dioxide would then be extracted and subjected to chemical reactions that
would turn it into fuel.Although they have not yet built a fuel factory,or even a small.prototype,
the scientists say it is all based on existing technology. “Everything in the concept has been built,
is operating or has a close cousin that is operating, ”Dr.Martin said.The proposal does not
violate any laws of physics, and other scientists have independently suggested similar ideas.,In
the efforts to reduce humanity’S emissions of carbon dioxide,three solutions have been offered:
hydrogen-powered cars,electric cars and biOfuels.Biofuels are gasoline substitutes produced
from plants like corn or sugar cane.Plants absorb carbon dioxide as they grow,but growing crops
for fuel takes up wide strips of land.Hydrogen-powered Cars emit no carbon dioxide,but
producing hydrogen requires energy,and if that energy comes from coal-fired power plants,then
the problem has not been solved. The problem with electric cars is that they have typically been
limited to a range of tens of miles as opposed to the hundreds of miles that can be driven on a
tank  of gas.
Gasoline,it turns out,is an almost ideal fuel(except that it produces carbon  dioxide).If it
Can be made OUt of carbon dioxide in the air,the Los Alamos concept may mean there is little
reason to switch,after all.
“It’s definitely worth pursuing, ”said Martin I. Hoffert,a professor of physics at New York
University. “It has a couple of pieces to it that are interesting. ”Other scientists also said the
proposal looked promising but could not evaluate it fully because the details had not been
36. What is most remarkable about the proposal,made by the tWO scientists?。
A.It  is given a patriotic name.
B.No law of physics is violated.
C. It is based on existing technology.
D. Carbon dioxide Can be converted into fuel
37. What is the biggest problem with hydrogen-powered cars?
A.There is no cheap source of hydrogen.
B. There might be a safety problem in hydrogen production.
C.They may still be a cause of global warming.
D.They are not suitable for long-distance travel.
38.If what is proposed by the two scientists becomes true,___________________.
A.air pollution will,become a thing of the past
B.there will be no need for gasoline substitutes
C. people will be able to use much cheaper engergy
D.there will be no more biofuel-powered vehicles
39. Which of the following Call best describe the attitude of Martin I Hoffert to the proposal?
A.Indifferent. B. Positive.    C.Suspicious.D.Critical.
40. The passage is mainly written to________________。
A. introduce a newconcept
B.compare different energy sources
C.stress the importance ofgasoline
D.discuSS solutions tO global warming
Passage Three
In her international bestselling Talk to the Hand,author Lynne Truss.argues that common
courtesies such as saying“Excuse me”are practically extinct.There are certainly plenty who
would agree with her.
Is it really true?We decided to find out by experiments.In dozens of American cities,our
reporters performed two experim6rits: “door tests”(would anyone hold one open for them?);and
“document drops”(who-would help them retrieve a pile of“accidentally” dropped
papers?).Along the way,the reporters encountered all types:men and women of different
races,ages,professions,and income levels.
While 90 percent of the people passed the door test,only 55 percent passed the document
drop.Are people less likely to help others when doing so takes extra effort or time?Not always, he
reporters found.Take the pregnant woman who thought nothing of bending down to help us with
our papers.Or the woman named Liz who balanced two coffees,her keys and her wallet on a
takeout tray with one hand,while picking up papers off the wet pavement with the other.Her
reason for helping?“I was there,”shesaid.
Overall,men were the most willing to help,especially when it came to document
drops.In those,men offered aid 63 percent of the time,compared to 47 percent among
women. Of course,men weren’ t entirely democratic about whom they’d help.All of them held
the door for the female reporter,and were more than twice as likely to help her pick up fallen
papers than they were to help our male reporter.
By far,the most common reason people cited for being willing to go out of their way to help
others was their upbringing. “It’ S the way I was raised, ” said one young woman who held a door
open despite struggling with her umbrella on a rainy day in Brooklyn.
We realize this isn’t a rigorous scientific study,but we believe it is a reasonable real-world test
of good manners around the globe. And it's comforting to know that in a place where millions of
people push one another each day tO get ahead,they’re able to  do it with a smile.Hey,if they
Can make nice here,they can make nice anywhere.
41.Which of the following is the best wold to describe the experiments?
A.Scientific. B.Biased. C.Revolutionary. D.Realistic.
42 . The examples of the pregnant woman and Liz are used to show that some
A.may take the trouble to help others
B. Won’t take the trouble to help others
C.mayhelp others save time
D.won’t help others save time
43.According to the experiments,________________.
A.women are more careful.
B.women are more likely tO need help
C.men are more ready to.help
D. men are more democratic in helping others
44.Helping others is a behavior that is largely influenced by_______________.
A.social norm
B.family education
C. pecifie situation
D.personal character
45.The results of the experiments have shown that common courtesies_______________.
A.are still with us
B.are disappearing
C. vary with professions
D. need rigorous study
Passage Four
Within a large concrete room,Cut out of a mountain on a freezing-cold island just  1,000
kilometres from the North Pole,could lie the future of humanity.
The room is a vault(地下库)designed to hold around 2 million seeds,representing  all known
varieties of the world’S crops.It is being built to safeguard the world’S food  supply against
nuclear War,climate change,terrorism,rising sea levels,earthquakes and  the collapse of
electricity supplies。 “If the worst came to the worst,this would allow the world to reconstruct
agriculture on this planet, ”says Cary Fowler,director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust,an
independent international organisation promoting the project.
The Norwegian(挪威的)government is planning tO create the seed bank next year at the request
of crop scientists.The $3 million vault will be built deep inside a sandstone mountain on the
Norwegian Arctic island of Spitsbergen.The vault will have  metre-thick walls of reinforced
concrete and will be protected behind two airlocks and  high-security doors.
The vault’S seed collection will represent the products of some 10,000 years of  plant
breeding by the world’S farmers.Though most are no longer widely planted,.the varieties
contain vital genetic properties still regularly used in plant breeding.
To survive,the seeds need freezing temperatures.Operators plan to replace the air  inside the
vault each winter,when temperatures in Spitsbergen are around-18℃.But even if some disaster
meant that the vault Was abandoned,the permanently frozen soil would keep the seeds
alive. And even accelerated global warming would take many  decades to penetrate the mountain
“This will be the world’s most secure gene bank, ” Says Fowler. “But its seeds will only
be used when all other samples have gone for sOme reason. ”
The project comes at a time when there is growing concern about the safety of existing
seed banks around the world.Many have been criticized for their poor security, ageing
refrigeration(冷藏)systems and vulnerable electricity supplies.
The scheme won UN approval at a meeting of the Food and Agriculture  Organization in
Rome in October 2005.A feasibility study said the facility“would essentially be built to last
forever” .
46.The Norwegian yault is important in that_________________.
A.the seeds in it represent the rarest varieties of world’S crops
B. the seeds in it could revive agriculture if the worst thing should happen
C.it is built deep in a mountain on a freezing-cold Arctic island
D.it is strong enough against all disasters caused by man and nature
47.The seed bank project was proposed by_____________.
A.the Norwegian government    B.Norwegian farmers
C. Spitsbergen residents D. agricultural scientists
48. The seeds in the vault will be stored___________________.
A.as samples of world crop varieties
B. as produc of world plant breeding
C.for their valuable genetic properties
D.for their resistance to plant diseases
49 . For the seed bank project to be successful , the most important factor is
A.constructing tight airlocks
B. maintaining high security
C.keeping freezing temperatures
D.storing large quantities of seeds
50.Which of the following statements is true?
A.The Norwegian vault models after existing seed banks.
B.The Spitsbergen seed bank is expected to last 10,006 years.
C. The existing seed banks have potential problems.
D.The UN financed the Spitsbergen seed bank.
Passage Five
Probably the hardest part of setting goals is the first step of actually deciding to take action!The
first barrier facing most people is the incorrect assumption that goals are only for business
people. The reality is everyone sets goals mentally throughout the day. There arealways occasions
where something has to be done at a particular time Or in a particular place.Simple examples
could be getting up at a certain time in order to be at work,or to meet with a friend for a leisure
The beauty of having goals is the uniqueness.of each one to’the goal setter.
Whether it is personal,financial,business or spiritual,they are all specific to that person
and their circumstances.
The most important part initially is to write them down.Having goals mritten down  gives
youincredible power while helping you to focus on this area.
Aim for something that will stretch you while remaining achievable.If you achieve
your goal too easily,it is not high enough to make any significant change in your life and needs to
be adjusted. On the other hand, if you consistently miss the goals, re-evaluate, and consider setting
them a little lower as you will only get discouraged and probably give up. The aim is to keep
growing,and moving into a more satisfactory position for your particular circumstances.
As you obtain the levels that you have set for yourself,always include a small  reward at
each point.This might only be a small thing in the early days like a meal out or a weekend
Remember that these changes will not happen overnight and there will  be a period of
time when nothing seems to be happening.This is why the goals need to be detailed and as
specific as possible with a consequence and benefit.
Allow some time on a daily basis to educate yourself on how to make the necessary
adjustments in your life.This could include listening to a CD,or reading a book on motivation
A simple method to start with could be one goal in the main areas of life to be achieved in
one month,six months,twelve months or  five years.Break that down further into a daily,weekly
and monthly system.Stay focused and disciplined t0 achieve all that you desire.
51.The simple examples in Paragraph  1 convey the message that___________.
A.goals are setmostlyforimportantthings
B. most people know when it is time to set goals
C.people set goals tO get things done all the time
D.it is necessary tO set goals occasionally
52.The charm of having goals is that each goal is______________.
A. important    B.motivated     C.special D.spiritual
53.A good goal is one that________________.
A.keeps growing all the time
B.is high enough yet attainable
C. moves one into a satisfactory position
D.is evaluated from time to time
54.Goals have to be detailed SO that people____________________.
A.can know their achievements ateach stage
B.will eventually reach the levels set for themselves
C.may get small rewards such as a meal out
D.can adjust them on various occasions
55.For a goal to be achieved,one has to_____________.
A.believe in  what he is doing
B.adapt oneself to new changes
C.divert from routine sometimes
D.concentrate on it until it is attained
Part.Ⅳ Cloze(15 minutes,15 points)
Directions:In this part,there is a passage with 15 blanks.For each blank there are 4 choices
marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the best answerfor each blank and mark the corresponding letter
with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
A presentation has two important components : what you say and _56_ you deliver it .The
term delivery covers a wide ___57 of features of speaking and eye contact is one of them.
The appropriate use of eye contact _58_from one culture to another .In some cultures,
women are __59__to lower their eyes in most communication __60__; in others ,younger people
must keep their eyes lowered when addressing older people .____61_., in the United
States ,_62___you are addressing an individual, a small group of people ,or a larger audience ,you
are expected to look at them .You do not have to stare _63_ and continuously ; _64___ ,it is
appropriate when speaking to one person to _65____ occasionally .In a small group you should
look around at the different members of the group ._66____when addressing a larger
audience ,you should try to make eye contact with different people around room
It is important to look at the _67___ audience,not just the people in the centre of the room
_68__you will probably have to turn your head and/or your body in order to make proper eye
contact will people _69at the sides of the room ,if you look at the floor or the celing ,you will give
the impression that you are not interested in your audience .A speaker establishes friendly
relationship with audience mainly _70____ eye contact ,and good relationship is to the success of
any speech.
56.A.why  B.whom  C .how  D.where
57. A.stretch  B.expanse C.extent D. range
58.A.varies    B.alters C.specifies D. differentiates

59.A.assumed B. proposed C.expected D.desired
60. A.domains B.settings C.scopes D.environments
61. A. otherwise B. moreover C. likewise D. however
62 .A .whether B. either C. properly D. desperately
63 .A. constantly B. intensely C. properly D. desperately
64. A. in addition B. for instance C. in fact D. on the other hand
65. A. look away B. look around C. look back D. look over
66. A. even B. and C. thus D. or
67. A. total B. overall C. utter D. entire
68. so    B.yet    C.then    D.but
69. A.seat B.seated  c.be seated D.being seating
70.A.upon    B.after    C. through D.until

Part V Error Detection(10 minutes,5 points)

Paper Two Part I Translation (30minutes,20points)
Section A
Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese, Write your translation on the
Engineers are developing a new type of Internet connection that could carry so much data so
quickly it might surprise even Net surfers. This technology would open up a route through which
data can be sent at speeds thousands of times faster than what’s possible now. If all goes to plan,
the vast data speeds may soon be available to all. That  might help solve the problem of how to
handle the enormous growth in Internet traffic. The technology would require some new software
and fiber-optic links to the PC,but otherwise no change in basic facilities.
以至于这很可能给上网冲浪者带来意外惊喜. 这项技术可能打开一条通道, 通过这条通道,
数据传输速度是现行网络技术传输速度的上千倍。 如果这项开发得以实现, 巨额的传输速度
很快可以对所有人全面开放使用。 那就可能有助于解决网络通讯传输中数据膨胀,拥挤的难
题. 这项技术将需要新的软件和光纤与个人电脑的连接。然而在别的方面 ,对于基础设备无
Directions:Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the
Nowadays with the rapid economic development, there grows enormous pressure in the
supply of energy sources. Obviously, this situation has solid relationship with the present stage of
economy and social development in our country. However, no matter which phase we are
developing at, we will definitely be punished if consuming too much energy, and then face energy
shortage, pollution and Ecological damage problems afterwards.

PartII Writing(30 minutes,15 points)
Directions:In this part, you are to write within 30 minutes a composition of no less than
150 words on Self-confidence Is a Key to Success. You could follow the clues suggested  by the
picture given below. Remember to write the composition clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Enrolled in Harvard as a genius, quit from Harvard at the third year as a crazy man, became a
billionaire in his first thirty… Bill Gates showed such an example of how to make success by
self-confidence. As far as I concerned, self-confidence is truly the fundamental element of being
successful for giving people the courage to face difficulties, and for making people to be
self-made person which is a necessary feature of shrewd business man.
Giving people the courage to face difficulties is a very significant factor because it happens that
we do have problems in doing something, maybe big problems and we are feared to keep going,
we want to quit. However, I just want to say that’s why we need confidence, and why we are
divided to different part, successful and unsuccessful.
Equally important is self-confidence could make people to be self-made person. Whenever
facing difficulties, self-made person could always find a way out, they could always solve
problems independently, and they could always encourage their teammates and bring them energy.
Eventually, I would like to use a sentence in the movie Sheepshank Redemption to end my
statement “you know some birds are not meant to caged, their feathers are too bright.” and I
really believe it can be a conclusion of my point – Self-confident is a key to success.



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  • 一年备考《时间表》
  • 我的“上岸”分享
  • 院校简章一览表
  • 在职研真题解析
  • 在职研政策及内幕

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